Friday, July 24, 2009

Churchill, Of Course . . . & Lincoln

On our first walk we came across a small statue park with several British statesman on display, literally across the street from Westminster and from Parliament. A great view of Churchill, recognizable from a distance in a stern walking pose.
But in an adjacent shady area on the next block, I found a statue I had come to look for. A replica of one I have known from my youth, when I lived in walking distance from Lincoln Park, I often visited the St. Gaudens' work of Honest Abe standing before a chair. It was a pleasant touch of America found downtown in London.

1 comment:

  1. Ah, Churchill. What I wouldn't give to see this statue "live". Thank you for posting it and giving me a chance to see it as best as I can for now. It is truly awesome, and I am so glad you were able to have such a magnificent time. You deserve it!



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