Thursday, July 23, 2009


Back for about 27 hours from the Europe vacation with no discernible jet lag -- just this feeling of being a bit sluggish in going about the business of a few yard chores, a few errands, a trip out for pizza, catching up on the newspapers. Unless that sluggish feeling IS the jet lag?
So here we are, back in the Chicago suburbs and getting started in reliving the adventure. In the series of upcoming posts, the images and memories will reflect on my first view of Europe, a trip that visited 8 countries in 18 days, generated more than 7,600 images to sort and prepare, and also resulted in 31 poems so far. All 8 & 18 will be included along with some of the poetry and many of the images (not all, I promise!) and several of the memories. I hope you enjoy what turns up daily in this space.
SPECIAL NOTE to my new friends: many of the great memories of the travel revolve around the wonderful, friendly people we met. To my friends from North and South Carolina, from New York and from Oklahoma, from Seattle and San Francisco and San Diego and Arizona and many other states, and to my friends from Manchester and from Wales, thank you for being a part of my memories. You made it special and if you expressed an interest in my pictures, please attach a comment or send me an email and let me know if you like the images. If there is a particular thing you saw and you mention it to me, if I have a photo I will include it and if you want me to email you some pictures, all you have to do is ask.
Since most of the new friends listed above were met aboard the beautiful Eurodam, please be patient as I rewind my visits to London and Paris which began Sunday, July 5. The cruise images will follow!


Seven miles in the sky jetting toward the sunrise on the shortest night
Of my life, literally, arriving four or five time zones ahead of schedule,
Most everyone settled in for thirty or forty winks, whatever we could.
Using my iPod for white noise blocked out the talking and the crying baby,
Refusing to open my eyes blocked out the light from six or seven televisions.
Nothing could block out the aroma, though, of the man across the aisle,
Settling down for his nap, and squirting Purell sanitizer onto his hands. Twice.
I assume he generally dreams of eating and must be prepared.

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