Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Changes in Skylines

Updating old slides into modern digital images will remind one of the buildings that no longer exist. Squatty, in a prime location along the river just a bit east of the previous post, were the editorial offices of the CHICAGO SUN-TIMES and its former sister paper, the CHICAGO DAILY NEWS. My prime newspaper reading for over 40 years, the SUN-TIMES moved a few blocks west some years ago, this building was torn down, and a new tall, modern skyscraper is now in that footprint. It is the Trump Tower. But I still recall the TIMES, reading that great paper, visiting the sports department when my son worked there, and lots of bygone days.
Guess any study of architecture will do that -- trigger reminiscences. Next post will feature a building that still exists . . .


  1. Your great photo brings back a lot of memories of working in that odd-looking building. We had a lot of fun times there putting the paper out every night. Plus, that building was the headquarters for many journalism legends, including a King.

  2. Yes, among my memories are of the late great Dave Feldman, the King. I recall so many of your stories of the King -- oh, my back -- after I had read his column on the Sport of Kings for decades. I recall the time you mentioned that his vanity license plates were something that was his monicker and you were surprised when I came up with BDH1 almost immediately. Every Broken Down Horseplayer he ever wrote about would smile if they saw this reminder of a great man.


Feel free to let me know what you think. It is exciting to think that some of my photography might be enjoyed by others.