Sunday, May 31, 2009
Other Wildlife to Watch
Friday, May 29, 2009
Prepared for the Release

Thursday, May 28, 2009
Holding Migratory Birds
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Migratory Bird Day at Willowbrook
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Leaving the Farm
Monday, May 25, 2009
Four Statues, Four Grandchildren
So Sunday morning, we drove to Church, then headed to Johnson' Statuary in St. Charles to buy a fourth angel, a second boy. The smiles the band of angels bring to us are all that much bigger now!
Sunday, May 24, 2009
And Bobby Makes Four
Congratulations to the proud parents, Eric and Erin, along with congratulations to the big sister Carolyn, and self-congratulations to the proud and happy grandparents.
An Obstacle in the Path
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Scarlet Tanager
A Higher, Taller Viewpoint
Two related plaques on a wall of one of the farm buildings at St. James Farm indicate quite a different feeling than simply the steeplechase and dressage activities that filled weekends at the farm.
We learned that among the common events over the years was a series of opportunities offered to teach children with various handicaps how to ride horses. Looking at the graphic plaque and reading the poem nearby, one wonders how these children felt having this wonderful and enjoyable activity. To give a wheelchair to a child who cannot walk is a great thing, a chance to move about reasonably well in the walking world. But to put a child on a horse would be giving him legs that work, feet that glide across the ground, and a viewpoint higher, taller than others.
These plaques memorialize one of the best events at St. James Farm. When you visit there, be sure to read the plaque!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Horse and Hound Cemetery
The on-site Horse and Hound Cemetery is in a shady, peaceful location north of the cluster of farm buildings seen in the previous post. The family dogs are at rest there along one side, and several of the McCormick horses are at rest to the other side of the fenced area and even beyond the fence into the treed area. One horse not belonging to the family is also buried and memorialized here.
The Honda won the St. James Steeplechase in 1985 and returned here to defend his title in 1986 after winning the St. Louis Steeplechase in that season. Owner Bob Oery, listing himself also as rider and friend, laid The Honda to rest here after his death during the event. Guide Ron Skleney brought up the dangerous nature of the event, with the death of a horse not being an uncommon event. Looking at the plaque attached to the cross one can easily see the emotion and love of the owner for the animal.
Our next post will look at another aspect of riding at St. James, one that will touch your heart.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Kremlin Yellow Buildings
Monday, May 18, 2009
100 Posts .. Already?
A portion of the land at St. James Farm is set up with what are called 'allees,' wide open strips flanked by mature trees which had been planted at the same time for that purpose. The allees are wide enough for horseriding traffic, shaded with the full canopy of the trees on either side arching overhead, and inviting to the eye in either direction leading off into the forest.
Next post will show more of the farm buildings as we begin the second hundred.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Bridge and Allee
The rustic finish on the footbridge in the last post is quite different from the white-and-Kremlin Yellow panel bridge seen here, leading to a small tranquil pond. The wooden boxes seen in the pond are nesting boxes and a pair of ducks were standing atop one. A bit further on we came to the pair of corral fences bracketing an "allee" leading to some of the farm buildings. The powerful shadows on the trees would be quite different a week later, as trees all across DuPage County have seen their leaves spring open, making birdwatching tougher but treewatching more fun.
More on the French-inspired allees in the next post, which will be the 100th post for RickBeatoPhoto.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Bridge and a Fence
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Bird on a Wall
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Blue Heron at St. James

St. James Farm
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Reliable Standbys
Sunday, May 10, 2009
More Pond Visitors
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Pond Visitors
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Statue On Guard
Monday, May 4, 2009
Twilight Zone Pond Water Iris

Friday, May 1, 2009
Back to the Garden
After a few posts down at the retention pond on the corner, let's drop back into the family garden for a few looks back to 2008. Not much is abloom as yet, obviously, but the time is just about here. One of the first to impress will be our Rhododrendron PJM, shown here from a year ago. Our neighbors across the street are already in full bloom as their plants get the midday sun; our should go next week. A tremendous mountain of bloom just in time for Mother's Day.
The other shot is more of a souvenir. The handmade bridge is still there, fronting the stand of Red Twig Dogwood. But the red pump, which was set off so well by the bare branches behind, has been retired. The early photo from 2008 did not show the wear on the old pump, and it has been removed and handed on to another gardener. The dogwoods have to be red on their own from now on. I have no doubt that they can handle the job.