Happy to be home from a two-week vacation and ready to share some shots from Washington DC and from our seven days aboard Carnival Pride. We saw DC first but I think I will look at our cruise photos first, beginning with our "Welcome Aboard" photo and our "Welcome to Nassau" shot.
When you board a ship, the ship's photographers take a souvenir shot but when we did not like ours, I set out to replace it with one of mine. The same thing took place when we got off to visit Nassau.
You might note that the first card shows stops at Grand Turk, Half Moon Cay and Freeport. But you might note that Grand Turk is crossed out and replaced by Nassau due to Tropical Wave Bonnie. Freeport is also crossed out, cancelled by what became Tropical Storm Bonnie. Lots of changes, but who cares? Real cruisers are ready to change itineraries, stay on ship, do whatever comes up . . . it is still all good!